Tennis Lessons Get You Healthy and in Shape

Tennis lessons are designed to help you learn how to swing a racquet and hit a small, yellow ball over a short net. How you swing your racquet and position your body is important for success in the game. One advantage to tennis lessons is physical - you can tone your body and trim your figure by consistent exercise and practice.

When you are taking tennis lessons, you are forced to work out. You cannot hit the ball without moving your arms (and feet). Working on the timing of your swing and on your footwork will prove to be an excellent way to trim and tone your arms and legs. After the first few tennis lessons, you are likely to be quite sore as your muscles get acclimated to the new movements you are making. You may even be surprised that you can "feel" the workout in more areas than you anticipated. 

One way to get the most out of a workout is to fuel your body properly before and after your lesson. Eating properly can provide you with adequate energy during exercise. Neglecting to eat right will negatively affect how your body performs while you are trying to learn and play. Before going to a lesson, you should eat something that is nutritionally dense and easy to digest. Granola bars, fruit and whole grain toast are good choices for fueling your body before exercise. After you are done with the workout, try to consume some lean protein like chicken or fish. Protein will help with cellular repair and muscle building, but it will not add a lot of bulk to your frame.

During tennis lessons, it is very important to stay adequately hydrated. You should drink plenty of water before you begin your lesson and continue to drink water during the lesson. If you are losing a lot of water through sweat, you may want to consume a sports beverage that is designed to replace electrolytes that are lost during exercise. These beverages balance the salts in your body and help to prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

Learning how to play this sport will help you get healthy and get in shape if you stick with them and you are consistent. You cannot expect your waistline to trim or your health to improve if you eat poorly or are inconsistent with attendance. If you want to improve your health, you will need to make your physical fitness a priority and refuse to neglect it.

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